2.0, United States/Canada

The Pursuit of Happyness

2006 / Gabriele Muccino > The reason the film is ultimately bearable isn’t because of Will Smith’s performance, but rather the predictable yet heartwarming moments our protagonist finds himself in. Much of the storyline progresses as expected, and by the end all is swell and life goes on. The voiceovers are probably the worst part, and it brings down the film a whole notch. As an underdog movie, it’s nothing special—at least not something a dose of Rudy can’t cure.

Of note is Thandie Newton’s portrayal of Smith’s wife, which I found striking considering she’s often billed rather lackluster roles. Her character’s not particularly multi-faceted, but what she does, she does well. As for whether Smith deserves a nod for the Oscars, it’s tough to say. He’ll probably get the nomination since the role is a made-for-Oscar one, but without a doubt there are better options out there.
